203 595-0110

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In today’s fast paced and sometimes frightening, chaotic world we may often find ourselves, our children or loved ones, filled with stress and anxiety. But, there is hope. Hypnosis and Thought Field Therapy can be a natural, effective and integral part of the healing process to reduce the severity of negative thoughts, feelings and emotions related to fear, loss, anger, grief, etc. The U.S. government has added Thought Field Therapy to its list of recommended techniques and therapies to reduce anxiety, fear, trauma, PTSD and depression. The combination of these wonderful therapies is the perfect marriage of two natural stress reducing techniques which can very quickly create beneficial and personal change resulting in feelings of deep peace and relaxation. As individuals vary, results may vary as well.

Stay Safe - Stay Home with Your Remote Hypnosis Sessions

During this very stressful and difficult time, you can find peace and relaxation 

from the safety and comfort of your own home with Hypnosis and Thought Field Therapy Online

Learn How Hypnosis Online Can Help You

Welcome to Mind-Body Transformation Hypnosis Center

Dynamic Therapy for Rapid and Powerful Change 
Change Your Mind and Change Your Life!

Hypnosis and Thought Field Therapy™ Can Be the 1st Step to Improve Your Life!  

Our Revolutionary Techniques & Therapies Can Help You Reduce

Fear, Stress, Anxiety & Negative Emotions at Your Very First Session!

Our therapies are:

- Fast - Powerful - Natural
- Successful - Life Enhancing - Results Driven

Mind-Body Transformation Hypnosis has developed a unique, powerful and effective system of therapeutic techniques that can naturally and easily help you make the positive changes you want but have been unable to accomplish on your own. Whether your goal is weight loss, smoking cessation, stress reduction, fear, sleep issues or something else, clients begin to experience natural, relaxing changes at their very first session.

We provide many powerful and dramatic mind-body therapies and methodologies which can elicit natural and rapid results to those suffering from a wide variety of issues and emotions, quickly and easily.

These powerful techniques help to unify thoughts, feelings and behaviors into a synthesis of natural and harmonious alignment. Each approach focuses on the integration and balance of the mind as well as the body while helping to facilitate healing, restore inner peace and enhance emotional and physical well-being

Diane Bahr-Groth, CH, TFT-Adv, Director of Mind-Body Transformation Hypnosis Center in Stamford, CT, is a well-respected, Registered Consulting Hypnotist and certified by and a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. Diane has more than 29 years of experience in advanced Mind-Body techniques, therapies and modalities and has a unique ability to facilitate personal empowerment.  Diane is compassionate and understanding of all life issues and problems and has successfully helped your friends and neighbors make the positive changes they desired.   

Diane is passionate about helping each client utilize our Mind-Body Transformation therapy techniques to discover their own inner power and ability to experience positive changes, naturally, quickly and easily. As individuals and personal histories vary, results may vary as well.

Stay Safe, Stay Home with Remote Hypnosis Sessions

During this very stressful and difficult time, you can find peace and relaxation

from the safety and comfort of your own home with Hypnosis and Thought Field Therapy Online. 

Learn How Hypnosis Online Can Help You

Our Revolutionary Therapy can help you...

  • Reduce Fear or Phobia
  • Diminish Grief, Loss or Rejection
  • Alleviate Self-Sabotage Patterns
  • Release Physical & Emotional Trauma
  • Expand Consciousness
  • Clear Negative Thoughts & Emotions
  • Become Empowered
  • Improve Self-Esteem & Self Awareness
  • Attain Inner Peace
  • Restore Balance & Well Being
  • Relieve Pain
  • Clear Psychological Reversal
  • Diminish Limiting Beliefs
  • Alleviate Stress & Fear



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