203 595-0110

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My Life Has Changed!!!

"Dear Diane: 

I am very grateful that the universe putted you on my path at the right moment, just like magic! With the thought field therapy I did with you I was able to remove a huge block in my life that was so powerful it was holding me back basically from living my life. I had sabotaged myself for a major portion of my life without even knowing it. I was truly desperate for change. 

My greatest challenge was romance and intimacy, and with a few sessions of thought field therapy and hypnosis we were able to clear them. Something so simple made such a huge difference. No one, including me could understand how an attractive girl at age 35 with a nice personality would have not have dates or boyfriends. Unconsciously, I have made myself unavailable to the opposite sex. You promised me that after this treatment my life will change completely and it certainly did. A month has passed and I was asked out by two guys and I am currently going out with one of them which happens to have all the attributes that I am looking for in a man. Now with the help of the cd’s that you specially prepared for me I feel that I deserve and I have the confidence to attract not only the kind of men I always wanted but all the abundance and success that I am capable of obtaining.                 

Your field therapy has definitely being a very important player on my spiritual growth. I understand myself better and realize why I have behaved in the past the way I did. I have learned to be compassionate and forgive myself because I was doing my best with the knowledge I had at that time.

Now, I am fully open and welcome all the wonders the universe has to offer me. I am indeed grateful to have met you and Robin and I hope to have your friendship forever. I will recommend you to anyone I see in need for a therapy like this. Continue with your great work…it changes lives."

-Sincerely, Adriana R., Stamford, CT



Diane Bahr-Groth, CH, TFT-Adv
(203) 595-0110

Private Sessions 

Work Remotely, Online Hypnosis

Phone and Zoom Sessions Daily

Mind Body Transformation Hypnosis

1177 High Ridge Road

Stamford, CT 06905

Copyright © Mind-Body Transformation


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