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Healing the Past

Discovering the Unknown Cause of Fears and Anxiety

Have you ever experienced strong feelings of stress, fear or anxiety that seemed to come out of the blue for no reason at all? Perhaps you may have been reading a book about a historic event, or traveling to a faraway land, watching a movie or even daydreaming when suddenly you begin to experience negative thoughts or feelings about a particular person, place or event that you never felt before.  Or maybe you have had recurring dreams or nightmares that create stress and anxiety even when remembering them in a wide awake state. 

Many people have had these experiences from time to time in life but some find themselves in a constant state of stress or fear from a seemingly unknown cause and very perplexed as to why. For some, the negative thoughts or feelings may be related to general life situations and others to very specific experiences such as fear associated with flying, falling, dying or being trapped and yet have no concrete conscious reason as to why they feel the way they do.  In those situations, when one is not consciously aware of a specific trauma or stressful situation, the use of Applied Kinesiology is especially helpful in discovering the root cause of the issue.  It’s possible the root cause event began in childhood, in infancy or perhaps even at birth. 

Studies suggest that we remember many things consciously but we remember everything that ever happened to us on an unconscious level. Therefore, using AK can naturally help to discover the root cause of the unknown source of the fear or problem.  In many cases, the root cause event may be that of a perceived trauma of a young child or infant associated with fear from situations such as separation, illness or loss. Sometimes the root cause may be related to a true traumatic birth experience.  Often times feelings of fear, anxiety and especially claustrophobia may be related to just such an unconscious event.  Those who are afraid of being in small elevators, tunnels, unable to wear turtlenecks or feel very uncomfortable having scarves, ties or jewelry close to their throats may have experienced a birth trauma they are unaware of, at least consciously. They obviously survived their birth but may still carry the unconscious fear which can rise up in situations that remind them of the frightening feelings once experienced by being temporarily stuck in the birth canal. Small spaces, crowded elevators or long, dark tunnels, even being in an airplane may trigger a response of anxiety for some. For others, the root cause event may have occurred even earlier than birth and could be related to a trauma experienced pre-birth, while in utero.

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Healing The Past Testimonials
Fear of Flying

"This modality fascinated me because I truly believe that our thoughts shape our lives on a number of different levels. I’ve often wondered if it’s possible that your thought processes could actually manifest a phobia or anxiety about something. In my case, fear of flying. Or could I still carry a blueprint of some traumatic event that happened in a past life, and so have anxiety around the situation. In working with Diane, through TFT we discovered that I had two past lives in the military as a pilot, both of which ended tragically in plane crashes. In one past life, I flew a military transport plane, and there was a great deal of guilt associated with feeling responsible for the deaths of all the men on board, but not much emotional trauma associated with the loss of my own life. In the other past life, I was a co-pilot and was killed in a dog fight. I had tremendous guilt associated with leaving my family behind, and I had a sense I would die but it was an honor and duty to fight for my country. Using applied kinesiology, we found that the root cause of the fear of flying for me was dying. After the first TFT session I felt tired but relaxed. It involved a very relaxing hypnosis session which was recorded with the positive suggestions necessary. The following day I was flying to Phoenix. Typically for me, the stress starts either the night before or first thing in the morning before I’m about to take a flight. I felt no stress either time and I was actually excited to get on the plane. It was incredibly strange to be walking through the airport and really not have any negative thoughts or worry at all about getting on the plane. I even enjoyed the rush of take-off and for the first time ever, I actually slept on one of the legs of the trip." -Diane H., New Haven, CT 

Rape and Death

"I have been working with Diane for at least a year now on one past-life that seems to be at the root of every issue I have.  Whenever we work on a particular issue it usually relates back to my first life. In that life I was an ancient Peruvian-like tribal princess and was raped by brother while betrothed to another man. My father was king of the tribe and after becoming pregnant from the rape he banished me and forced me to live in the woods alone.  My brother was not punished and my mother did not speak up to protect me. Those traumas were so horrific that the life ended with me giving birth alone in the woods and then killing my baby and then myself. I think it's easy to understand how those past-life traumas were the root cause of so many future issues." -Shari G., Greenwich, CT 

Fear, Pain and Anxiety

1. "I was experiencing a horrible feeling on one side of my head very frequently and was afraid there was something very wrong with me. I became anxious and fearful that something awful would happen and that I was going to die.  We discovered that I was a Native American Indian in a past life killed by a wound to the head with a hatchet. I feel relief and am very happy that we were able to clear the trauma with Thought Field Therapy!" 

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Learning Disability & Lack of Confidence

"As long as I can remember I’ve had a feeling of unsettledness and, at times, a detached feeling from myself. When I started Elementary school I was diagnosed with a learning disability, a label I carried with me through High School, College and beyond. Those negative feelings became stronger and held me back preventing me from living my life in a more authentic way. I began the search to understand those feeling and took the route of traditional psychologists every week with three therapists for 7 years, with no change.  A friend gave me a book, Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss about a patient, Catherine, who realized her past lives were connected to fears and phobias experienced in her present life. I immediately knew that I was carrying issues from past lives. I looked for a therapist and finally found Mind Body Transformation Hypnosis in Stamford. 

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Obesity & Grief

"I have struggled with obesity for the last 15 years (size 10 to 22) and after working with Diane realized that I had developed a self-sabotage pattern of giving myself permission to overeat after my husband left me. We were only married for 1 ½ years. It was over before it had even begun but the pain of loss and grief stayed with me for 15 years.

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