203 595-0110

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Many of my clients notice that with our unique Mind-Body Transformation techniques, issues they’ve dealt with for many years – in some cases, the majority of their lives – are finally resolved. As individuals and personal histories vary, results may vary as well.


Some of the benefits you may enjoy include:

  • Improved quality of life
  • Release from long-held emotional or mental blocks
  • Greater sense of relaxation and peace of mind
  • Living life more fully
  • Reduction or management of physical symptoms
  • Improved sense of self-esteem, confidence, self-worth
  • Reduction of addictive behaviors and habits
  • Increase the ability to improve your life for the better
  • Develop a sense of personal growth and self-improvement
  • Adopt a more positive and empowering attitude!







Hypnosis Testimonials
Increased Joy in Life!

"Diane is an incredible Hypnotherapist and Thought Field Therapy practitioner.  Her brilliance, intuitive ability, and compassionate nature have assisted me in my healing.  I am experiencing increased joy in life and improved relationships thanks to Diane." 

-Julie Saffir, Marriage and Family Therapist

*As individuals vary results may vary as well

Melodic, Soothing & Relaxing

"I use Diane's self-hypnosis CD just about daily and I absolutely love it!  Diane's voice is so melodic and soothing that it brings me into a very deep state of relaxation within minutes. Her gentle suggestions lead me to easily release tension from my body and mind and open up to a higher state of being.  It leaves me feeling wonderfully renewed and refreshed for the rest of the day.  I highly recommend Diane and her work!"

-Janet Esposito, Psychotherapist

*As individuals vary results may vary as well

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