"I have struggled with obesity for the last 15 years (size 10 to 22) and after working with Diane realized that I had developed a self-sabotage pattern of giving myself permission to overeat after my husband left me. We were only married for 1 ½ years. It was over before it had even begun but the pain of loss and grief stayed with me for 15 years.
In working with Diane we discovered the root cause of the problem which was related to the loss of my husband to starvation in a past life (my brother in this lifetime). I survived but in this lifetime turned to food, the lack of which was the root cause of the grief and loss of a loved one… the repeated pattern in this lifetime. Diane helped me understand and heal all of those issues and I am so very grateful. I have lost 65 lbs. and continue to lose weight."
-Mariette Kammerer, Director: KES Educational Service's, Inc.