203 595-0110

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Relaxed and Losing Weight Naturally!

"I am still a little surprised that I found myself calling about Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis. I knew that I would never even consider the real surgery, but I also knew I needed some help getting rid of the pounds that seemed to be packing on after menopause. I was always a serial dieter that could drop a few pounds when my clothes got tight, that is until a few years ago. Then I found myself dropping a few bucks buying bigger sizes as my clothes got tighter and tighter.

I made the call to Mind Body Transformation Hypnosis Center and when I first spoke with Diane Bahr-Groth, I felt like I was talking with an old friend. Her warmth was (and is) pervasive. I made an appointment without hesitation and I am so happy that I did.

At our first meeting, Diane made me feel comfortable almost immediately. She explained the "procedure" and we began with Thought Field Therapy relaxation exercises. Little did I know, at that time, how much those exercises would change my life -- I know, it sounds very dramatic, but it really is true. The underlying stresses of my life were preventing me from being successful with losing weight and feeling good about myself.

My first hypnosis session pointed out to me just how utterly unrelaxed I was in my daily life at home, at work and with ailing, elderly parents. It was the first time, in a very long time, that I could completely relax. As a result, I literally, and figuratively, am lighter than I have been in years. The weight is coming off and I am able to easily manage my eating without feeling deprived. I even made it through Thanksgiving without gaining!

My last session was earlier this evening and I am a little sad that our weekly visits have come to an end, but I look forward to "tune-ups" in the future. Till then, Diane provided several recorded sessions, one personalized just for me, that I can use whenever I like.

I highly recommend Diane Bahr-Groth without reservation! And I am so excited to see the changes in my life, thanks to her. I have the tools to help me, with Diane's support whenever I need it, and the motivation to reach my goal. I know I can do this!"

-Betsy S., Greenwich, CT



Diane Bahr-Groth, CH, TFT-Adv
(203) 595-0110

Private Sessions 

Work Remotely, Online Hypnosis

Phone and Skype Sessions Available

Mind Body Transformation Hypnosis

1177 High Ridge Road

Stamford, CT 06905

Copyright © Mind-Body Transformation


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