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Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis: A Powerful New Advancement to Combat Obesity

Natural Awakenings magazine / January 2012
Fairfield County Edition

Diane Bahr-Groth, CHy, TFTdx

According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2003-2006, 2007-2008: win.niddk.nih.gov/statistics), over two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese, and over one-third are obese. The Medline Plus website (nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus) indicates “Factors that might tip the balance include your genetic makeup, overeating, eating high-fat foods and not being physically active. Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and some cancers. If you are obese, losing even 5 to 10 percent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases.” For those seeking healthy, natural ways to lose potentially harmful excess weight, the Virtual Gastric Band Program, now being offered in Connecticut, may be one such option.   

  The Virtual Gastric Band program was conceived in Europe and is a hypnosis technique that seeks to replicate the effects, results and benefits of traditional gastric band or gastric bypass surgery. However, it requires no hospital stay or recuperation period to obtain the desired weight loss results. All change is developed, created and implemented in the subconscious mind of the client while they relax in a comfortable recliner.

 “No Diet” Weight Loss

  Hypnosis is widely recognized by researchers as a safe, natural and enjoyable state of deep physical and emotional relaxation. Virtual Band Hypnosis suggestions cause the subconscious mind to believe the stomach is much smaller, the size of a golf ball, as if the gastric band were installed surgically. This prevents the client from over-eating and results in weight loss with a measurable reduction of body fat and inches. However, there is no diet.

  As a Consulting Hypnotist utilizing the Virtual Gastric Band program in Connecticut, this past spring I conducted two small group trials (one with five participants and the other with three) as well as working with two new clients, all of whom were expecting to achieve similar results. The program consisted of four hypnosis sessions, one each week, over the course of one month. Each person was given simple “Golden Rules of Success” to follow along with specific hypnotic suggestions for reducing portion sizes, drinking plenty of water, and motivating to exercise more often. All were instructed to listen to a special pre-recorded hypnosis CD at least once daily for 28 days to support the positive emotional and physical changes desired. 

  The common goals of all participants and clients included being and feeling healthier, eating better and reducing their clothing size. One participant was diabetic and another pre-diabetic. All participants were female and ranged in age from mid-thirties to late 50’s. Most of the women had young children at home, and all were working and leading busy lives. For most, involvement with this program involved a drive between 35 minutes and 1 ½ hours. Their weight loss goals ranged from a minimum of 40 lbs. to more than 100 lbs.

  In general, the reported results over the four-week span of hypnosis and listening to the CD included improvements in, and more control of, eating habits and choices, as well as diminished anxiety and stress.

  From the first Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis “surgery” session, every participant enjoyed positive changes, some not even related to healthy eating or weight loss. For example, those who previously had difficulty falling asleep looked forward to a good night’s rest. Some began walking more and reaping the benefits from exercise. Most felt more relaxed overall.

  All participants saw changes in their responses to, and thoughts about, food. They found it easier to eat more healthfully and with smaller portions, drank more water and noticed that their thoughts, behavior and emotions about food and eating had changed. Their habit of eating from emotional, rather than physical, hunger either stopped or was greatly curtailed. The hypnosis suggestions helped to develop willpower and enable better food choices.

  Most reported recognizing a “full feeling” and the ensuing natural ability to avoid over-eating. Some noticed a lifelong habit of eating quickly had changed. They ate more slowly and enjoyed their food more.

  Personal stories included no longer having a desire to eat ice cream nightly, which had been a habit for many years; noticing that favorite fatty, heavy foods didn’t taste as good as they used to; and, feeling surprised when having leftovers from one meal to take home from a restaurant. One participant, a pre-diabetic nurse with thyroid issues who ordinarily would have had several portions, greatly decreased the amount she ate, reduced coffee consumption from five cups to under one cup a day, lost six pounds and no longer has overwhelming cravings for sweets or starches.

  For many, clothes fit more comfortably and the obsession with food was gone. One example? A participant who lost 12 lbs. and more than a full dress size.

  In the one case where there was no weight loss or clothing size reduction, the participant said she was more relaxed and happy than she had been in a long time.

  One participant quit her 1 pack+ per day smoking habit and did not experience withdrawal or emotional snacking and lost a full dress size. Another quit her six-month nicotine gum habit. There had been no suggestions for stopping smoking or ending nicotine dependency during the hypnosis processes.

  Most participants were encouraged by their new behavior and ability to eat small meals, leave food on their plates if no longer hungry, and end the cycle of turning to food when emotionally triggered. All were very excited about the positive changes, especially since most had tried “every diet known to man” without success.

As anyone who has instituted intentional wellness changes in their lives knows, it takes strong personal commitment to improve one’s own health, happiness and well-being, especially if it is done in a natural way. The Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis program aims to help participants be in control of their food choices and portion sizes without denying favorite foods or having to engage in a particular diet. It is not necessary to be a candidate for gastric band surgery to utilize this hypnotic procedure for change. The program is available for anyone who wants to reach and maintain their ideal, healthy weight without surgery, diet or deprivation. At a time when obesity and the resulting health issues cost the American public and insurance companies millions, this may be a simple, relaxing and successful way to save money and lives.

Diane Bahr-Groth is the Director of Mind-Body Transformation Hypnosis and specializes in fast and effective methods for weight loss, stress, fear and pain reduction, smoking cessation, success and more. She is a Certified Hypnotist and certified in Thought Field Therapy™, Time Line Therapy™, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), and Complementary Medical Hypnosis. Established in Fairfield County since 1989, her office is located at 1177 High Ridge Road in Stamford, CT, where she recently introduced the first Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss procedure in the region. She is one of just a few American hypnotists trained by United Kingdom Clinical Hypnotherapist Sheila Granger in this new procedure. The technique was recently featured on ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS TV News as well as in newspapers here and abroad.

This article appears in the January 2012 issue of Natural Awakenings Fairfield County

Copyright 2012 Natural Awakenings Magazine. All rights reserved.



Diane Bahr-Groth, CH, TFT-Adv
(203) 595-0110

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Mind Body Transformation Hypnosis

1177 High Ridge Road

Stamford, CT 06905

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